Myšák Gallery Vodičkova 710/31 Praha

The Contractual Agenda including the Enforcement of Receivables

The Contractual Agenda including the Enforcement of Receivables

The Contractual Agenda involves legal advice in the course of execution of all types of agreements, both in the civil law area and mainly in the area of the commercial law. This includes, in particular, drafting and comments to the respective contractual documentation, always satisfying specific circumstances of a respective case. We also represent our clients in negotiations preceding execution of a contract proactively and protect their interests. We also prepare a complex specimen contractual documentation for our clients, including general business terms and conditions, or – as the case may be - we review corporation specimen documentation of a parent company for its use in the Czech legal environment.

Furthermore, we provide assistance to our clients in enforcement of their rights as following on from contractual relations, in particular of their receivables, including representation in court or arbitration proceedings and application of receivables in insolvency proceedings.


  • commenting on distribution agreements and other specimen commercial law contractual documentation, including general business terms and conditions, for an eminent international corporation – a prominent producer of consumer electronics and medical devices
  • drafting and commenting on purchase agreements and contracts for work as regards machinery for a corporation – a producer of spare parts for the automotive industry
  • drafting and commenting on framework purchase agreements for a sale of products, resp
  • complex administration and enforcement of receivables for clients



  • Mon - Fri
  • Myšák Gallery Vodičkova 710/31, 110 00 Praha
  • +420 296 226 811
  • Czech Republic


  • Mon - Fri
  • Hodžovo nám. 2A, 811 06 Bratislava
  • +421 2 3333 8888
  • Slovak Republic

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Within the meaning of Art. 14 of Act no. 634/1992 Sb. Consumer Protection Act as amended, please be advised that the Czech Bar Association shall decide disputes arising from provision of legal services. For more details please click here.

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