Myšák Gallery Vodičkova 710/31 Praha


What has changed in the waste act as of 1 August 2018?

Written by Andrea Obuchová

Dont you know? It doesn’t matter, because we do and will share it with you.

The Act no. 208/2018 Coll. amending the Act on waste (hereinafter the "Act") introduces changes concerning the financing of the sorted collection of the packaging waste, which is the part of the sorted communal waste components. The purpose of the Act is to clearly identify the subjects, namely packaging producers, who are obligated to finance relevant waste collecting in accordance to the Act on waste.

Firstly, the responsibility organizations are exempted from the obligation to provide separate financing of the collection. In regard to the above-mentioned that the funds originating from the “industrial” packaging can be used to cover the costs determined for operating with the packaging waste originating from the communal sphere. Similarly, the organization of responsibility of the producers of batteries and accumulators and third parties is excluded from this obligation.

Furthermore, the Act exempts a producer form the obligations to calculate his market and collection share and to notify the coordination centre regarding the exceeding quantities of packaging waste related to the aggregate collection share, if he fulfils its obligations from the Act individually. This exemption was necessary because the quantities of the packaging and packaging waste originating from producers, who fulfill their obligations individually, do not entre into the calculation of the market and collection share. Also, the definition of the market share is amended with a more detailed specification of the packaging, which are counted into total amount of packaging. Such a packaging is consumer packaging, group packaging and shipping packaging.

Last but not least, the Act contains a new wording of definition of the market share of the producer of electrical equipment, which contains an amendment that only the quantities of electrical equipment, from which will become electrical waste from household, will be included in the calculation of this share. Consequently, the wording of the definition of the collection share of the producer of electrical equipment is amended in way that the extent of the electrical waste, which is included in the calculation of the collection share is limited to electrical waste from household.



  • Mon - Fri
  • Myšák Gallery Vodičkova 710/31, 110 00 Praha
  • +420 296 226 811
  • Czech Republic


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