Myšák Gallery Vodičkova 710/31 Praha


Feb 15, 2020

Lapse of 30 days period for completion of the procedure of consumer complaint will not always be considered a reason for withdrawal from the contract by the consumer

It’s a widely known Rule that every consumer complaint shall be handled no later than 30 days from its exercise. This period…
Feb 15, 2020

JUDr. Lenka Katríková for Reklamačný poriadok a zodpovednosť za vady

JUDr. Lenka Katríková regularly provides her expert legal advice to the online journal, this time dealing with the subject of claims…
Feb 15, 2020

Registration of ultimate beneficiary owners in the commercial register

We would like to inform you about the recent significant development in the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legislation in the Slovak Republic. Several…
Feb 15, 2020

The Amendment of Cadastral Act

The amendment of Act No. 162/1995 Coll. on Cadastral Register and registry of ownership and other rights to real estate (Cadastral Act)…
Feb 15, 2020

Slovakia is reducing the administrative burden by act against bureaucracy

As of September 1, 2018, Act no. 177/2018 Coll. on certain measurements on reducing the administrative burden by using information systems of…
Feb 15, 2020

Changes in the field of providing travel services

On 1 January 2019, the Act No. 170/2018 Coll., on tours, linked travel arrangements and certain business conditions in tourism, (hereinafter referred…
Feb 15, 2020

JUDr. Lenka Katríková for What are the essential requirements of an employment agreement?

JUDr. Lenka Katríková, attorney at Stentors law firm provides her expert advice to the online journal concerning employment agreements acting as…
Feb 15, 2020

JUDr. Michal Hulena as a speaker at a workshop on the clinical development of medical products

JUDr. Michal Hulena, partner of Stentors law firm, shall be one of the speakers at this workshop which bears relevance to the…
Feb 15, 2020

What has changed in the waste act as of 1 August 2018?

Don’t you know? It doesn’t matter, because we do and will share it with you. The Act no. 208/2018 Coll. amending the…



  • Mon - Fri
  • Myšák Gallery Vodičkova 710/31, 110 00 Praha
  • +420 296 226 811
  • Czech Republic


  • Mon - Fri
  • Hodžovo nám. 2A, 811 06 Bratislava
  • +421 2 3333 8888
  • Slovak Republic

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